Man almost chopped to death over cabbages in Richland Park – One News SVG

A blurred image of the scene.

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By Admin. Updated 1:55 p.m., Sunday, May 25, 2024, Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4).

A man is currently at hospital nursing multiple chop wounds after an altercation with another man.

Police have confirmed that the incident took place in Richland Park on May 25.

The victim has been named as Andre Gaymes of Mesopotamia.

He was chopped by a man from Richland Park, whose name we have withheld, pending a formal police report.

Sources say the incident stems from a misunderstanding over some agricultural produce, particularly some cabbages.

The misunderstanding reached a point where the accused took a sharp cutlass and inflicted chop wounds on the victim.

The victim tried to retaliate by firing stones at the accused, but he was overpowered.

Witnesses say a former medical practitioner was called to the scene to help stop the bleeding.

The chop victim was then rushed to hospital.

Police are investigating the matter. We will bring more details as they come to hand from authoritative sources.

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