Spring Village man excels again in British Army

From left: A representative of the Royal Engineers Communication Information System School (left) presents Vincentian Moraine Porter (right) with the Award.

By Admin. Updated 5:33 p.m., Saturday, June 15, 2024, Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4).

Vincentian Moraine Porter has excelled once again in the British Army having been awarded the Top Student in Royal Engineers Communication Information System-DCT Course.

The news comes months after Mr. Porter received the Top Academic Student award in the Imjin Troop, 55 Training Squadron, Military Engineering Combat 2 Course at a British Army institution in February.

Mr. Porter is originally from the rural North Leeward community of Spring Village.

By securing the top student award in the Royal Engineers Communication Information System-ME DCT 0-2 course on June 14, 2024, Porter has exemplified perseverance, discipline, determination, and dedication, an article sent to One News SVG said.

The article said: This remarkable achievement highlights Porter’s commitment to excellence and his desire to inspire the youth of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, especially those in rural areas. Reflecting on his accomplishment, Porter emphasized the importance of resilience and diligence. “This award is a testament to what can be achieved with dedication and a relentless pursuit of one’s goals,” he said. “I hope my success can inspire others to realize their potential and strive for greatness.”

“Porter encouraged Vincentian youths to consider enlisting in the British Army, highlighting the unparalleled opportunities for skill acquisition, personal growth, and substantial impact. “The experiences and training you receive are invaluable, ranging from technical and analytical abilities to teamwork and communication,” he explained,” the article stated.

“He further stressed that “dedication, determination, discipline, and perseverance are not mere words; they are the bedrock of a successful military career.” Porter urged young Vincentians to adopt these principles and view the British Army as a path to achieving their aspirations and goals,” the article stated.

“Porter’s exceptional performance in the course illustrates what can be achieved with the right mindset and dedication. His journey from Spring Village to receiving top honors serves as a powerful reminder of the limitless possibilities available to those willing to dream and work assiduously towards their goals,” the article further stated.

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