Mother’s death inspired valedictorian’s passion for nursing

Two photographs of Ms. Chelsea Bradshaw the 2024 Valedictorian of the Division of Nursing Education (DNE) of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College (SVGCC). The photos were sullied by Ms. Bradshaw.

By Rawdica Stephen. Updated 5:55 a.m., Friday, June 28, 2024, Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4).

A story of grief ignited 23-year-old Chelsea Bradshaw’s passion to become a nurse as she lost her mother when she was only 11 years old.

During an interview with One News SVG, she says “I was deeply moved by the compassion and dedication the nurses showed my mom during her time of illness, it was then I knew I had to dedicate my life to providing the same love and care to families in need”. She added that losing her mom at such a young age was a very heartbreaking experience”.

Bradshaw who describes herself as a humble, ambitious, hardworking, and passionate person says she always tries to aim for the best in everything noting that she is feeling very proud of her accomplishments as valedictorian of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College (SVGCC), Division of Nursing Education (DNE).

A total of 691 students who graduated from the four divisions of the SVGCC on June 25, in an amalgamated graduation ceremony at Victoria Park, Kingstown. The other divisions include the Division of Teacher Education (DTE), the Division of Technical and Vocational Education (DTVE), and the Division of Arts, Sciences, and General Studies (DASG).

The nursing valedictorian who now holds an Associate Degree in Nursing says her “biggest challenge was the numerous assignments that I would have to get done and the late night studies for in-course exams and final exams”. She overcame those challenges by setting a study timetable and praying to God for guidance.

When asked about her most memorable experiences during the program, she says “The first rotation I did on the male surgical ward, listening to all the different diagnoses ignited my curiosity and imagination”. She also noted that the friends and memories made will stick with her forever.

As she moves forward in her nursing career, Bradshaw says she is committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of others, driven by the lessons and values gained from the program which has “helped me to internalize core values that will guide me throughout my nursing journey, such as empathy, confidence, respect, compassion, teamwork, and patience”.

She is encouraging persons interested in the associate degree in nursing education to “take the bold step, ensure that this is something that you are passionate about and something that you will enjoy doing for the rest of your life”. She says hard work and dedication will ensure a successful nursing career.

Bradshaw is giving thanks to God for his countless blessings and his guidance , the faculty at the Division of Nursing Education for their unwavering support, Deputy Dean at the DNE Sr. Rhonda Stapleton, for always believing in her and her entire family for always supporting and loving her throughout the journey.

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